Resuscitation Council (UK)
Patient Advisory Group

Patient Advisory Group

We would like to introduce you to the lay members of the Patient Advisory Group (PAG). This group was formed in March 2012 to provide the Council with the public and patient perspective on all areas relating to resuscitation. You will see from their backgrounds and experience how important their contributions are to the development of guidelines, of standards for resuscitation, of other publications by the Council, and for decisions relating to resuscitation.

Each member of the group was invited to join initially on a three year term. Lay representatives are not required to have a medical background in order to join the group. They attend meetings on new guidelines and standards to give input from both patient and family perspectives. All members have had a personal experience of cardiac arrest situations and are passionate about increasing awareness of CPR and related matters to the general public.

Viv Cummin - Patient Advisory Group

Viv Cummin

In February 2007 my 54-year-old husband suffered a massive heart attack which led to cardiac arrest. He was extremely fit and active and there had been no warning signs. More

Sarah Kippax - Patient Advisory Group

Sarah Kippax

In November 2010, our five week old baby died in a cot death. Despite continuous CPR both in the home and in the ambulance prior to arriving at Birmingham Children's Hospital he never showed any signs of  reviving. More 

Robert Ewings - Patient Advisory Group

Robert Ewings

I had relatively little exposure to issues concerning resuscitation, especially DNACPR decisions, until April 2012 when my elderly aunt was admitted to hospital. More

Gordon Patterson

Gordon Patterson

It was some 10 years ago that I collapsed on a street in Norwich. A passer-by immediately called 999 and massaged my chest in...more

Elizabeth Yeates

 Elizabeth Yeates 

In December 2014, my husband had a cardiac arrest at home. It was completely unexpected, but we were very fortunate. As we live in suburban Salford, the paramedics and ambulance crew came very quickly. More

IMG_5332 (002) - Hugh Barron.jpg

Hugh Barron

 Our youngest son, Bryce started having episodes at the age of three, the first occurred after he had been running and playing with his sister, Louisa. He was sitting on the bed, when he made a moaning sound and collapsed with loss of consciousness. More 

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Guidance on handling complaints

Guidance on handling complaints
Summary: Guidance on handling complaints
File Size: 58KB
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Created: 07 April 2024
Last Modified: 29 November 2023