Resuscitation Council (UK)
Sarah Kippax

Patient Advisory Group

Sarah Kippax

Sarah Kippax - Patient Advisory Group

In November 2010, our five week old baby died in a cot death. Despite continuous CPR both in the home and in the ambulance prior to arriving at Birmingham Children's Hospital he never showed any signs of reviving. Prior to this in 2005 my father collapsed and died of cardiac arrest whilst out walking with a group of friends. Due to their location the air ambulance attended but CPR was not started until the paramedics arrived. 

Both these instances highlighted for me how critical it is to ensure any resuscitation is carried out correctly and is commenced as soon as possible after the event. Crucially, that also then means that all concerned can feel confident that the best possible outcome was achieved for each individual. I therefore felt privileged to be asked to join the Resuscitation Council (UK) Patient Advisory Group and hope that as a group we can provide some valuable insight and input to the RC (UK).

We have 3 other lovely boys who ensure my life is busy, fun and rarely quiet! My own background was in marketing, but since having children I have re-trained as a personal trainer and fitness instructor (meaning that professionally I need to be trained to carry out CPR). My husband is a consultant in a busy Emergency Department which provides me with a valuable insight into the pressures of working in such an environment.

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