Lifesaver is an interactive app and live-action movie you play like a game. It shows you how to save someone's life. It throws you into the heart of the action, changing what happens in movies showing real people in real places. You learn by doing: do it wrong, and see the consequences; do it right, and sense the thrill of saving a life. And it is completely free!
There is a wide range of organisations that deliver CPR training, ranging from charities and voluntary ambulance services to private companies. The following charities provide this training for lay people: - British Heart Foundation
- British Red Cross
- Royal Life Saving Society UK
- St Andrew's First Aid (in Scotland)
- St John Ambulance
- Bart's City Life Saver
This list is not exhaustive. Some doctors, nurses, resuscitation officers, community defibrillation officers, paramedics, statutory ambulance service trainers, and other individuals such as accredited first aid trainers also provide this training. The Resuscitation Council (UK) recommends that those who train others in CPR and the use of AEDs should be appropriately qualified.