Resuscitation Council (UK)
FAQs - PILS - Course centres

Frequently asked questions - PILS Course - for centres

PILS course centres

NHS Trusts, Primary Care Trusts, Universities that train healthcare professionals and Private Hospitals are all eligible to apply to become course centres. For further information please email [email protected].

Yes. Dates must be registered on the LMS.

No. There are currently no plans to release the PILS manual in an electronic format.

Yes. All centres must purchase the PILS manual from the Resuscitation Council (UK) and are not permitted to produce their own manuals.

The manual is available to course centres at a much reduced rate, but in order to offer such a reduction we have to sell the manual in units of 25 to reduce administrative costs. You can buy less than 25 copies via our publications list, but the cost is £15.00 per copy.

The RC (UK) recommends that adequate records are kept for a minimum of 15 to 18 months following the course so that any issues can be dealt with locally. Records should be maintained in line with local policies.
No. You should follow the faculty regulations and the standard programme. No course approval numbers will be issued.

Yes. The standard programme is designed for a maximum of 30 candidates. If you have fewer candidates on the course you may adjust the practice time accordingly.

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