Resuscitation Council (UK)



Improving the efficiency of advanced life support training: a randomized, controlled trial.
Perkins GD, Kimani PK, Bullock I, Clutton-Brock T, Davies RP, Gale M, Lam J, Lockey A, Stallard N; Electronic Advanced Life Support Collaborators.
Ann Intern Med. 2012 Jul 3;157(1):19-28.

Factors affecting team leadership skills and their relationship with quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Yeung JH, Ong GJ, Davies RP, Gao F, Perkins GD.
Crit Care Med. 2012 Sep;40(9):2617-21.

A systematic review of retention of adult advanced life support knowledge and skills in healthcare providers.
Yang CW, Yen ZS, McGowan JE, Chen HC, Chiang WC, Mancini ME, Soar J, Lai MS, Ma MH.
Resuscitation. 2012 Sep;83(9):1055-60.

A randomised control trial to determine if use of the iResus© application on a smart phone improves the performance of an advanced life support provider in a simulated medical emergency.
Low D, Clark N, Soar J, Padkin A, Stoneham A, Perkins GD, Nolan J.
Anaesthesia. 2011 Apr;66(4):255-62.

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010 Section 9. Principles of education in resuscitation.
Soar J, Monsieurs KG, Ballance JH, Barelli A, Biarent D, Greif R, Handley AJ, Lockey AS, Richmond S, Ringsted C, Wyllie JP, Nolan JP, Perkins GD.
Resuscitation. 2010 Oct;81(10):1434-44.

Part 12: Education, implementation, and teams: 2010 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations.
Soar J, Mancini ME, Bhanji F, Billi JE, Dennett J, Finn J, Ma MH, Perkins GD, Rodgers DL, Hazinski MF, Jacobs I, Morley PT; Education, Implementation, and Teams Chapter Collaborators.
Resuscitation. 2010 Oct;81 Suppl 1:e288-330.

The effect of pre-course e-learning prior to advanced life support training: a randomised controlled trial.
Perkins GD, Fullerton JN, Davis-Gomez N, Davies RP, Baldock C, Stevens H, Bullock I, Lockey AS.
Resuscitation. 2010 Jul;81(7):877-81.

Impact of the Immediate Life Support course on the incidence and outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest calls: an observational study over 6 years.
Spearpoint KG, Gruber PC, Brett SJ.
Resuscitation. 2009 Jun;80(6):638-43.

Validation for a scoring system of the ALS cardiac arrest simulation test (CASTest).
Napier F, Davies RP, Baldock C, Stevens H, Lockey AS, Bullock I, Perkins GD.
Resuscitation. 2009 Sep;80(9):1034-8.

Advanced life support cardiac arrest scenario test evaluation.
Perkins GD, Davies RP, Stallard N, Bullock I, Stevens H, Lockey A.
Resuscitation. 2007 Dec;75(3):484-90.

The Acute Care Undergraduate TEaching (ACUTE) Initiative: consensus development of core competencies in acute care for undergraduates in the United Kingdom.
Perkins GD, Barrett H, Bullock I, Gabbott DA, Nolan JP, Mitchell S, Short A, Smith CM, Smith GB, Todd S, Bion JF.
Intensive Care Med. 2005 Dec;31(12):1627-33.

The immediate life support course.
Soar J, Perkins GD, Harris S, Nolan J.
Resuscitation. 2003 Apr;57(1):21-6

The advanced life support provider course.
Perkins G, Lockey A.
BMJ. 2002 Sep 14;325(7364):S81. Review.

1998 European guidelines on resuscitation. Simplifications should make them easier to teach and implement.
Nolan J, Gwinnutt C.
BMJ. 1998 Jun 20;316(7148):1844-5.