Resuscitation Council (UK)


Course Publications

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  • CPR-AEDs-and-the-law.jpg CPR-AEDs and the lawThe aim of this document is to clarify, as far as possible, the obligations and responsibilities of those who attempt the resuscitation of anyone suffering a suspected sudden cardiac arrest...
  • Publication - AED Guide A guide to AEDsThis guide provides information about AEDs and how they can be deployed in the community to help resuscitate a victim of cardiac arrest.
  • Guidance for safer handling during resuscitation in healthcare settings Guidance for safer handling during CPR in healthcare settingsThis document aims to provide guidance for care providers and resuscitation officers involved in delivery of CPR and for healthcare managers and moving-and-handling practitioners.
  • Cardiovascular implanted electronic devices in people towards the end of life, during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and after death Cardiovascular Implanted Electronic DevicesGuidance on Cardiovascular Implanted Electronic Devices (CIEDs) in people towards the end of life, during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and after death.
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