Equipment used in Homebirth
Equipment to be kept on the designated elevated surface area
All items to be LATEX FREE
Airway Equipment
- Self-inflating bag - 500 ml with 40 cm blow off valve
- Round soft silicone masks for the preterm and term baby - (x 2 of each size)
- Stethoscope
- Laryngoscope handle - with long and short blade (0,00)
- Oropharyngeal airways - sizes 0 (6 cm), 00 (5 cm) and 000 (4 cm)
- Portable suction equipment - e.g. electrically operated suction machine
- or double chamber mucous extractors
- Paediatric Yankauer suckers - (x 2)
- Soft suction catheters sizes 12 or 14 FG
- Syringes (5 ml x 2)
- Nasogastric tubes - sizes 6 FG, 8 FG, and 10 FG
- Elastoplast / hypofix / cotton tape
- Spare bulbs, batteries and disposable blades for laryngoscope if necessary
- Gloves
- Small gauze squares - (x 2 packets)
Additional Items
- Changing mat / heated mattress
- Hats (x 2)
- Towels (x 4)
- Good portable light e.g. torch
- Sterile packs of cord scissors and umbilical clamp (x 3)
- Scissors
- Sharps disposal container
- Clock / stop watch
- Record keeping charts
- Identification bracelets
May 2011