Jasmeet Soar (Chairman) | Consultant in Anaesthetics & Intensive Care Medicine, North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Hospital, Bristol BS10 5NB | Editor, Resuscitation (paid honorarium) Chair ERC ALS working group lead (unpaid) ILCOR ALS Taskforce co-chair (unpaid) National Cardiac Arrest Audit steering group (unpaid) |
Mick Colquhoun | c/o Resuscitation Council (UK), 5th Floor Tavistock House North, Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9HR | None |
Tracey Courtnell | Senior Resuscitation Officer (Community and Mental Health), Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Chancellors Court, 4000 John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park, Cowley Oxford OX4 2EX | None |
Peter-Marc Fortune | Consultant Paediatric Intensivist, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL | Trustee, Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) Chair of ALSG PaNSTaR course Chair of ALSG Human Factors Working Group Board member of NW Simulation Education Network |
Jamie Fulton | Consultant in Medicine, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth PL6 8DH | IMPACT Curriculum Committee |
David Gabbott | Consultant Anaesthetist, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Rd, Gloucester GL1 3NN | NCEPOD assessor (unpaid) |
Matt Griffiths | Advanced Nurse Practitioner, c/o Resuscitation Council (UK), 5th Floor Tavistock House North, Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9HR | Consultant adviser RCN Visiting Professor, Birmingham City University Consultant adviser, Cumberlege Connections |
Sue Hampshire | Senior Resuscitation Officer, c/o Resuscitation Council (UK), 5th Floor Tavistock House North, Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9HR | None |
Fiona Jewkes | Clinical Author, NHS Pathways, RBDT Connecting for Health, Vantage House, 40 Aire Street, Leeds LS1 4HT | Clinical Author for NHS Pathways (full time) (paid) Teaching for military on paediatric emergency care (paid) Consultant to Viro Pharma (paid) Chair Pre-hospital Paediatric Life Support (unpaid) BASICS education subcommittee (unpaid, but honorarium for teaching on a course) Hon. Company Secretary Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (unpaid) Paediatric Lead JRCALC guidelines (unpaid) Board Member for Faculty of Pre-hospital Emergency care (unpaid) Examiner for Diploma in Immediate Medical Care Examination (honorarium) |
KL Kong | Consultant Anaesthetist, City Hospital, Dudley Road, Birmingham B18 7QH | Member, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust Resuscitation Committee |
Ian Maconochie | Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital, London W2 1NY | Royal College of Paediatrics: - Officer for Clinical Standards - Registrar - Member of the Clinical Standards Committee - Member of the Intercollegiate Fever DH study (demitted) College of Emergency Medicine, Member of the Clinical Standards Committee (demitted) European Resuscitation Council, National director for EPLS- WGG Children Action Prevention Trust (demitted), Trustee Trauma Care charity, Trustee Emergency Planning Clinical Advisory Group (DH) (EPCLAG) (disbanded), Member PAID: Medical advisor to a small company dealing with major incident equipment, approx. £1800 pa before tax Medical advisor to a newly founded small company to produce media material on national guidelines (non-remunerated to date) Work as an independent medical advisor to Youth Justice Board Honoraria for EMJ, ADC and BMJ in associate editorial roles |
Sarah Mitchell | Director, Resuscitation Council (UK), 5th Floor Tavistock House North, Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9HR | None |
Jerry Nolan | Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Royal United Bath, Combe Park, Bath BA1 3NG | Editor-in-Chief, Resuscitation (paid Honorarium) Vice Chair, European Resuscitation Council (unpaid) Chair, National Cardiac Arrest Audit Steering Group (unpaid) Council Member, Royal College of Anaesthetists (unpaid) Council Member, College of Emergency Medicine (unpaid) Board member, Intercollegiate Board for Training in pre-hospital Emergency Medicine (unpaid) Co-editor, 2015 ILCOR Consensus on CPR Science (unpaid) Partner in Circle Health (minor share holding) |
Gavin Perkins | Professor of Critical Care Medicine, University of Warwick, Warwick Medical School, Coventry, CV4 7AL Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham B9 5SS | Employer - University of Warwick Editor, Resuscitation Grant recipient from NIHR for studies on quality of CPR and mechanical chest compression devices Co-Director Research ICS Medical Advisor, Qualsafe Ltd Medical Advisor, RLSS (UK) (unpaid) ERC course committees |
David Pitcher | Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. Resuscitation Council (UK), 5th Floor Tavistock House North, Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9HR | Chairman, Resuscitation Council (UK) (unpaid) NHS Pathways Clinical Governance Group (unpaid) |
Steven Searle | Consultant in Emergency Medicine, St Richards Hospital, Chichester, Sussex PO19 6SE | Member of the College of Emergency Medicine Audit & Standards Committee (unpaid) Member of the NICE Pneumonia working group (unpaid) |
Gary Smith | Consultant in Intensive Care Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University | Wife is a minority shareholder in The Learning Clinic (TLC) Ltd., which is the developer of VitalPAC, a clinical software system for identifying patient deterioration and escalating care. Professor Smith is an unpaid research advisor to TLC and has received reimbursement of travel expenses from TLC for attending symposia in the UK. Co-developer of the Acute Life-Threatening Events - Recognition and Treatment (ALERT) course, which is owned and run by Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT). PHT receives payment for sales of the courses and course materials to other healthcare institutions. Professor Smith was an employee of PHT until 31/03/2011. Past member of Royal College of Physicians of London’s National Early Warning Score Development and Implementation Group (NEWSDIG). Past member of the NICE, NPSA and DH committees that set standards for aspects of care related to prevention and response to patient deterioration. Paid external reviewer of Policy on Physiological Early Warning Score (PEWS) to Northern Ireland Northern Healthcare & Social Care Trust, 2010. Co-Director of the annual International Rapid Response Systems conference and organiser of 2013 conference in UK. Member of the Clinical Advisory Board of Cardiocity, an innovations company currently involved with patient monitoring. Co-Director of RedRisk Ltd, a company developing educational materials. |
Richard Williams | Professor of Mental Health Strategy, Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care University of Glamorgan Honorary Professor Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Manchester ConsultantChild and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, NHS Wales Cymru, St Cadocs Hospital, Newport NP18 3XQ | Convener Diploma in Medical Care of Catastrophes for the Society of Apothecaries of London (unpaid) Member of the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (unpaid) Presidential Lead Officer for Disaster Management for the Royal College of Psychiatrists (unpaid) |